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A deluxe partnership takes flight

A Victor Jet Charter plane, ready for take off to the Alps

When you’re positioning your brand in the world of luxury and your mission is to offer the best product you can find, it’s always good to find complementary services that add true value to your clientele.


The Dutch American artist, Willem de Kooning, once said, “The trouble with being poor is it takes up all your time”. Whilst traveling on planes to European destinations hardly constitutes being poor, hiring a private jet can save you a great deal of time. Of course it’s never going to be cheaper, but where time is money and convenience is king, flying by private jet charter has much to recommend it.

Let’s imagine you’ve booked a luxury ski trip to Verbier in Switzerland. You would probably fly from London Heathrow to Geneva. You would turn up a couple of hours before your flight, go through the usual check in rituals and wait patiently to board. The flight itself takes one hour forty minutes. You’re in Geneva waiting for your bags and the transfer is parked outside waiting to take you to Verbier, a two hour drive. So from arriving at Heathrow you could safely say that the journey/waiting time was at least seven hours, maybe even eight.

There are other considerations with regular scheduled flights too. You can’t avoid people in an airport or on a plane. Sometimes it takes a generosity of spirit to overlook the shortcomings of some of your fellow passengers and their noisy children. Then there’s the security check to contend with too, the indignity of removing your belt and your trousers falling down while the officious-looking jobsworth pats you down and sneers at the hole in your sock.

Then there’s the potential of missing the flight in the first place. There must have been many instances of people sitting in traffic jams on the M25, biting their fingernails down to the elbows as the car in front reaches the giddy speed of one inch per hour, departure time approaching and stress levels rising, then finally the dam burst of tears when the realisation dawns on the whole family that they aren’t going anywhere, which they aren’t, but they aren’t going skiing either.

Now let’s enter a different world, for many, a world inhabited only by the wealthy and privileged. This is a misconception, as hiring your own six seater can be relatively inexpensive. You can turn up 15 minutes before you’re due to fly. You’re running a little late? no worries, the jet will wait. The security check is cursory and then it’s straight on board and you’re away. There are many airports in England for private charter flights and odds on one will be near where you live, parking is in most cases free of charge. When you arrive at your destination the transfer takes considerably less time as you will have in all probability landed closer to your resort. Flying private charter is a massive time saver, considerably less hassle and let’s face it, a luxury, but not an unaffordable luxury. It’s an option definitely worth consideration. The time saving element is not to be underestimated, neither is the comfort and the style in which you travel by private charter. After all if luxury is your yen, private charter must surely be the preferred option.

For bespoke, all inclusive quotes from Europe’s leading private jet charter Operators, try Victor the first online marketplace for private jet charters and per-seat bookings. Victor Members are empowered to make a fully informed compare decision before committing to a booking, providing a level of transparency and financial protection unheard of in the aviation arena.